6 things to look for when buying a plasma pen

So you want to add plasma fibroblast to your services? This amazing treatment has taken the Australian beauty market by storm since being introduced in 2017. And with treatments priced from $350 – $14000 it’s easy to see why so many salons are eager to offer this treatment to their clients. Not to mention that the results are absolutely unparalleled. But what do you need to know before you commit to buying a plasma pen for your salon? Here’s 6 basic things to consider before making a commitment to a plasma pen.

1 – where is it manufactured?

Generally the rule of quality is :

     Best Quality – Europe/USA

     Very Good – Korea/Japan

     Low – China

Why does this matter? Manufacturing standards of conformity are higher in Europe & USA than any other country.

Don’t be fooled by some Chinese pens that are stamped with CE – or “China Export”. The real CE marking stands for “Conformité Européene” which literal meaning is “European Conformity”. It is a mark that certifies that the manufacturer conforms to European health snd safety directives

If you aren’t sure which marking your pen has you can refer to this online guide to see the difference.

Plasma Pen

2 – Does it come with a factory warranty?

If you purchase your plasma pen from an Australian seller, you are entitled to 2 years of product warranty under Australian Consumer Laws. However if you are purchasing from a company that is located outside of Australia, you will have no recourse if your device stops working or is faulty.

3 – What is the casing made from?

Is it made from a durable fabrication that will be easy to clean? If you drop it, how likely is it to break?

Is it a shape that is ergonomic and able to be covered with appropriate barrier films?

The best quality devices will be slightly heavier, and made with a metal casing. If your pen is made from cheaper plastics on the outside, chances are that the internal parts are also going to be made from cheaper inferior materials.

Metal Casing = easier to sterilise, stronger and more durable

Plastic Casing = more fragile, more difficult to clean all crevices and parts.

4 – What sort of power source does the pen have?

Plasma pens will have either an internal rechargeable battery or an external power source/cable that connects direct to power outlet or external battery pack. One thing to consider when choosing your plasma pen is that batteries do not last forever. Over time batteries hold less and less power until they need to be replaced completely. Rechargable plasma pens have an internal battery that cannot be replaced when it reaches the end of its life. It will also lead to an inconsistent power output when the battery is low and you will need to remember to leave enough time between clients to recharge your pen.

External power sourced pens of the other hand do not have any of these issues.

5 – What sort of applicators does it use?

What size applicators are available to use with the pen? Smaller/finer applicators = more precision and shorter healing times while Larger applicators = more intense tightening but longer healing time and increased chance of scarring.

Are the applicators for single use or are they reusable?

Reusable = need to autoclave and keep records of this

Single use = disposable as per any sharps. More hygienic.

6 – Does the pen have multiple application uses or is it only for plasma Fibroblast?

If your device is claiming to perform multiple kinds of treatments and services this may seem appealing at first. After all who doesn’t want to be able to add more services to their menu without having to purchase additional devices? But what happens if the device needs to be sent for servicing or repair? All those services which rely on one device will need to be rebooked.

So to sum up the 6 things to consider before purchasing a plasma pen are :

1 – where is it manufactured?

2 – Does it come with a factory warranty?

3 – What is the casing made from?

4 – What sort of power source does the pen have?

5 – What sort of applicators does it use?

6 – Does the pen have multiple application uses or is it only for plasma Fibroblast?

Do you think I missed any areas that you would like more information on? Let me know in the comments 🙂

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